Have you ever read the book Languages of Love?
Ok, well neither have I...but from what I hear, the author points out that there are five basics forms of love. Once you have figured out your style, and that of your spouses, you are supposed to have a better understanding of each other. Someone once gave me a quiz out of the book (I'm a sucker for quizzes! I don't really believe in them, but let's face it, they are fun. You remember taking the quizzes in the Teen Bob Magazines in Junior High...I miss those days). Any who, I didn't think the results were super accurate for me, but I've never really been all that successful at fitting into a box :-)
Wanna take it yourself?
Check it out here.
I give love via gifts.
Not materialistic things. I like to find, or make meaningful gifts (the quiz didn't tell me this-I just know me).
Which makes perfectly good sense since I've become so enthusiastic about Toadally Tutus.
I like to get love via quality time.
Which is also great, because my daughters and I have spent many hours working together on this Children's Charity.
We just wrapped up our first season of giving and I am so excited to share!
(That's my oldest in the pictures above...she is such a great helper! The youngest helped by providing entertainment-you can see for yourself in the videos below)
At the Tutu Making Clinics, we hand out tags to all of the participants, and invite them to write messages for the little girls receiving the donated tutus. The sweet, scribbled notes are enough to melt your heart.
We (my hubby, kids and I), loaded up 20 tutus today in a variety of sizes and colors and headed up to Legacy Emanuel Children's Hospital.
We were greeted at the door with a very warm welcome, and rolled our loot inside.
The amount of fluff and vibrant hues were stopping men and women alike.
So many thanks were given, and while we didn't get to actually see the little girls receive them, I know in my heart it will bring some smiles this Christmas!
It meant so much to me that the hospital worker we were in contact with took the time to tell my daughter thank you, and explain what a good thing she was doing.
Ok, now for the entertainment...the future class clown will demonstrate an alternate activity with a tutu waistband (aka- undy wear).
And a little more silliness for your viewing pleasure...
my gosh, those videos are sooo cute!! their little giggles made my day! such sweet little cuites!