Another great show by Diane of Molly Mo's has come and gone, and I am so happy to have been part of it!

Since my original plan was to simply showcase my Cowgirl Canteens, I stuck with the Petticoat Saloon theme!

I went with a color scheme of pink, red and black...
This ragamuffin lamp shade was super easy to do (aside from the fact that I gave myself my worst glue gun burn to date-OUCH).

I decided to make sweet tea (a nod to my southern mother), and serve it in souvenir mason jars. The perfect addition for a 90*+ day!
She is so supportive of my crazy passions, and is always right there beside me on sale days.
No matter how early I ask her to be awake and ready, she comes with a smile on her face. She makes me laugh, wears whatever I ask her to, and helps me lift heavy things...
Isn't she cute?